Clustering Algorithm with Kernel Density Estimation |
ZHU Jie1, CHEN Lifei2 |
1.Southwest China Institute of Electronic Technology, Chengdu 610036 2. College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117 |
Abstract Similarity measure is an important basis for clustering analysis. However, defining an efficient similarity measure for discrete symbols (categories) is difficult. In this paper, a method is proposed to measure the similarity between categories in terms of their kernel probability density. Different from the traditional simple-matching method or frequency-estimation method, under the action of the bandwidth for kernel functions, the proposed measure no longer depends on the assumption that categories on the same attribute are statistically independent. Then, a Bayesian clustering model is established based on kernel density estimation of categories, and a clustering algorithm is derived to optimize the clustering model using a likelihood-based object-to-cluster similarity measure. Finally, three data-driven approaches are proposed by leave-one-out estimation and maximum likelihood estimation to dynamically determine the optimal bandwidths in the kernel function for clustering. Experiments are conducted on real-world datasets and the results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves higher clustering accuracy compared with the existing algorithms using a simple-matching distance measure or the attribute-weighting variants. The results also show that the bandwidth estimated by the proposed algorithm has practical significance in the applications, such as important feature identification.
Received: 30 September 2016
About author:: (ZHU Jie, born in 1971, senior engineer. His research interests include pattern recognition and target identification.) (CHEN Lifei(Corresponding author), born in 1972, Ph.D., professor. His research interests include statistical machine learning, data mining and pattern recognition.) |
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